#HotTakes | Week of 09.16.24

Songs we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.

#HotTakes | Week of 09.16.24

Featuring: Father John Misty, Mandrake Handshake, Lambrini Girls, Fiona Silver, Elias Rønnenfelt, Yola, Japandroids, Haley Heynderickx, Improvement Movement, BLACK FONDU, Andrew Bird & Madison Cunningham, Christopher Paul Stelling, Ric Robertson (ft. Logan Ledger), JD McPherson, The Devil Makes Three, Lizzy McAlpine, Joy Oladokun, Tyler Ballgame, Nico Vega, Roll Mega, CLIFFDIVER, Zinadelphia, Benny Sings, grentperez.

Screamland // Father John Misty

King Cnut // Mandrake Handshake

Company Culture // Lambrini Girls

Vertigo // Fiona Silver

Worm Grew A Spine // Elias Rønnenfelt

Future Enemies // Yola

All Bets Are Off // Japandroids

Foxglove // Haley Heynderickx

On the Bus // Improvement Movement


Crying In The Night // Andrew Bird & Madison Cunningham

One More Chance // Christopher Paul Stelling

The Cloud // Ric Robertson (ft. Logan Ledger)

Just Like Summer // JD McPherson

Ragged but Right // The Devil Makes Three

Pushing It Down and Praying // Lizzy McAlpine

NO COUNTRY // Joy Oladokun

Radio // Tyler Ballgame

Make It Out Alive // Nico Vega

U Shake Me // Roll Mega

thirty, flirty, and thriving!!! // CLIFFDIVER

Advice From Ray // Zinadelphia

Fuzzy Feeling // Benny Sings & grentperez

Broken Hearts and Auto Parts // Aaron Lee Tasjan